
Construction contractors’ input is needed to improve three new tools that will aid in the development of green buildings and other infrastructure.  First, AGC is requesting input on a joint effort with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to create a toolkit of online resources and information on building energy codes specifically of interest to contractors.  Second, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has opened up the public comment period on the newest update to its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system.  The third opportunity for public comment is on the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) new rating system that can be applied to all civil infrastructure—EnvISIon™.Building Energy Codes – Toolkit PilotAGC and the DOE Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) are piloting a new online toolkit for construction contractors on the subject of building energy codes.  DOE has thousands of pages of resources online; this toolkit is designed to compile those resources most relevant to construction contractors.  Once complete, contractors will be able to access these resources through a portal on the AGC website.  AGC would like to hear back from members during this pilot stage on whether the resources available are truly relevant and whether important materials are missing from the toolkit.  Please comment by September 16, 2011, via e-mail to  The toolkit is available at the AGC-BECP Resource Page.State and local government interest in the adoption and implementation of building energy codes and green building model codes, such as International Green Construction Codes (IgCC) and Standard 189.1, is growing.  Building codes will be the next trend in green buildings and will affect a much broader segment of the building professions than have existing voluntary rating systems.  AGC encourages members to comment on the building energy codes toolkit.Draft LEED 2012 – Comment PeriodThe USGBC has incorporated the first-round of public comments (nearly 6,000 received) into its newest draft of the LEED green building rating system and seeks public comment on the proposed changes by September 14, 2011.  According to the USGBC, the newest draft of LEED 2012 has a “heightened emphasis on an integrative process and building performance” and the Council used a new weighting process when organizing the credit categories and allocating points to specific credits.  There also are new credits related to the life-cycle assessment of materials and new focus on air quality and “improved incentives for testing and verification.”  Go to to access the draft and comment on the proposed changes.Sustainable Infrastructure Rating Tool – Comment PeriodThe newly formed ISI has opened the public comment period on its new sustainability infrastructure rating system and planning tool, EnvISIon™, prior to its release for commercial use in 2012.  Comments are due December 9, 2011.  According to ISI, EnvISIon “can be applied to all civil infrastructure other than buildings and can be used to assess the sustainability of an infrastructure project at any point in its life cycle–from inception on.”  EnvISIon is a planning tool that helps communities identify their sustainable infrastructure needs and an evaluation tool that looks at how projects are delivered and how long they last.  ISI was founded by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Public Works Association and the American Council of Engineering Companies.  Go to to access and comment on EnvISIon.For more information, contact Melinda Tomaino at (703) 837-5415 or

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) unveiled a first-ever program to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and improve fuel efficiency of heavy-duty trucks.  The agencies are each proposing complementary standards under their respective authorities, which together would form a comprehensive Heavy-Duty (HD) National Program.  These standards complement the 2010 EPA and NHTSA standards that apply to passenger cars, light-duty trucks, and medium-duty passenger vehicles, covering model years 2012 through 2016.
The agency’s announcement that it is delaying its effort to protect the Earth from dirt gives temporary relief for struggling contractors.  AGC's chief executive officer, Stephen E. Sandherr, issued a statement in response to the decision by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to withdraw proposed “numeric limits” on the amount of dirt the agency will allow in stormwater from construction sites.
Early in 2011, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed a series of new measures intended to protect the environment from the release of muddy water from construction jobsites.  Embedded in this rigid “one-size-fits-all” proposal to revise the federal Construction General Stormwater Permit (CGP), are a series of costly controls that contractors will need to implement simply to reduce the dirt – regular, clean dirt – in the rain water and any melting snow that runs across their jobsites.  Climate, soil, topography and a host of other variables are all irrelevant.  These new requirements will affect all construction firms everywhere because state stormwater permit programs also have to meet with the EPA’s approval.
On July 29, AGC – through a coalition of organizations representing the housing, mining, agriculture, and energy sectors – submitted detailed comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (Corps) regarding new draft “Guidance on Identifying Waters Protected by the Clean Water Act” (proposed guidance).
Looking ahead to 2012, it is unclear whether Congress will continue to fund the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) National Clean Diesel Funding Assistance Program. National AGC has helped its interested chapters win millions in federal funds to support AGC members’ voluntary “retrofit” projects.  Most recently, AGC played a key part in the reauthorization of the federal law that governs EPA’s competitive clean-diesel grant program and successfully modified the law to give contractors even greater access to future funding.  The EPA has openly praised AGC for its leadership on clean-diesel over the last decade.  Despite these successes, the current push to remove billions of dollars from next year’s annual budget has landed AGC on the front lines again; this time fighting to ensure that the EPA’s clean-diesel grant program does not lose out in the battle over every appropriations dollar.
A controversial U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rule for smog is close to final signature, but the agency said this week that they will not be finished by July 29, as previously expected.  It is the latest delay for the new national ozone standards, which were proposed in January 2010.  This long, drawn out process has prompted intense lobbying from industry and environmental groups that do not see eye to eye on the issue. Other critics on Capitol Hill are actively pushing the White House to scale back the rule, which was submitted for final review earlier this month.
AGC continues to track and weigh in on developments that will decide the future for the beneficial use of coal combustion residuals (e.g., fly ash).  The debate over fly ash continues to heat up on Capitol Hill and within the Administration as the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) considers rules that dictate how it is used and stored.  Currently, fly ash is used in many construction projects —a practice called beneficial use.
Comment Letter Urges EPA to Slow Down and Change Course AGC submitted comprehensive comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on its proposal to mandate drastic changes to the way that construction contractors manage stormwater runoff. EPA intends its new construction general permit (CGP) to replace the one that it adopted just three years ago.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has decided against expanding its Lead Renovation, Repair and Painting (LRRP) rule to include lead-dust sampling and clearance testing requirements, the Agency announced on July 15.  AGC played a key role in communicating the construction industry’s concerns with the proposed “clearance testing” requirements.  AGC worked alongside a coalition of real estate and development groups to present a collective industry voice that has led EPA to refrain from straddling contractors with costly and unnecessary dust wipe sampling and laboratory analysis requirements.