
Three Opportunities for Contractors To Comment: New Green Building and Infrastructure Tools

Construction contractors’ input is needed to improve three new tools that will aid in the development of green buildings and other infrastructure.  First, AGC is requesting input on a joint effort with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) to create a toolkit of online resources and information on building energy codes specifically of interest to contractors.  Second, the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) has opened up the public comment period on the newest update to its Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) green building rating system.  The third opportunity for public comment is on the Institute for Sustainable Infrastructure’s (ISI) new rating system that can be applied to all civil infrastructure—EnvISIon™. Building Energy Codes – Toolkit Pilot AGC and the DOE Building Energy Codes Program (BECP) are piloting a new online toolkit for construction contractors on the subject of building energy codes.  DOE has thousands of pages of resources online; this toolkit is designed to compile those resources most relevant to construction contractors.  Once complete, contractors will be able to access these resources through a portal on the AGC website.  AGC would like to hear back from members during this pilot stage on whether the resources available are truly relevant and whether important materials are missing from the toolkit.  Please comment by September 16, 2011, via e-mail to  The toolkit is available at the . State and local government interest in the adoption and implementation of and green building model codes, such as and , is growing.  Building codes will be the next trend in green buildings and will affect a much broader segment of the building professions than have existing voluntary rating systems.  AGC encourages members to comment on the building energy codes toolkit. Draft LEED 2012 – Comment Period The USGBC has incorporated the first-round of public comments (nearly 6,000 received) into its newest draft of the LEED green building rating system and seeks public comment on the proposed changes by September 14, 2011.  According to the USGBC, the newest draft of LEED 2012 has a “heightened emphasis on an integrative process and building performance” and the Council used a new weighting process when organizing the credit categories and allocating points to specific credits.  There also are new credits related to the life-cycle assessment of materials and new focus on air quality and “improved incentives for testing and verification.”  Go to to access the draft and comment on the proposed changes. Sustainable Infrastructure Rating Tool – Comment Period The newly formed ISI has opened the public comment period on its new sustainability infrastructure rating system and planning tool, EnvISIon™, prior to its release for commercial use in 2012.  Comments are due December 9, 2011.  According to ISI, EnvISIon “can be applied to all civil infrastructure other than buildings and can be used to assess the sustainability of an infrastructure project at any point in its life cycle–from inception on.”  EnvISIon is a planning tool that helps communities identify their sustainable infrastructure needs and an evaluation tool that looks at how projects are delivered and how long they last.  ISI was founded by the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Public Works Association and the American Council of Engineering Companies.  Go to to access and comment on EnvISIon. For more information, contact Melinda Tomaino at (703) 837-5415 or