
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Last week, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency reversed its June 2017 decision to delay by one year the final designation of counties that are not attaining the 2015 ozone national ambient air quality standard (NAAQS). EPA will now make those determinations by the October… Read More
August 14, 2017
ҵ Calls on Congress to Make Additional Reforms    Last week the Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (PBGC) issued its FY 2016 Projections Report detailing an increasing multiemployer pension program deficit with the probability of PBGC insolvency by 2025 without action. The… Read More
August 11, 2017
Silica, WOTUS, Paid Sick Leave, Local Hiring and More  The Trump administration released new details on its regulatory and deregulatory plans. Issued July 20, the 2017 Spring Unified Agenda provides some answers and many questions about the future of major regulatory issues facing… Read More
August 10, 2017
Also Recommends Change Order & Other Reforms  On July 24, AGC urged the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to rescind its project labor agreement (PLA) bid preference policy in the association’s detailed response to GSA’s request for regulatory reform. GSA is the only… Read More
August 10, 2017
Marvin E. Kaplan was sworn in today as a member of the National Labor Relations Board for a term ending on Aug. 27, 2020.  The U.S. Senate confirmed Kaplan along party lines on Aug. 2, bringing the Board one step closer to a Republican majority expected to be more employer-friendly than the… Read More
August 10, 2017
AGC of America submitted a letter to the U.S. Department of Labor on August 10 in support of the Department’s proposed rule to rescind the controversial “persuader rule” issued during the Obama Administration. The “persuader rule” expands the reporting obligations of labor relations “consultants… Read More
August 10, 2017
Each October, construction industry professionals in HR, training and workforce development gear up for the industry’s premier learning and networking event, AGC’s Construction HR & Training Professionals Conference, and this year is no different.  The 2017 event will be held Oct. 11-13 at… Read More
August 9, 2017
Construction employment increased in 264 out of 358 metro areas between June 2016 and June 2017, declined in 57 and stagnated in 37, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials noted that even though… Read More
August 2, 2017
Riverside-San Bernardino-Ontario, Calif. and Bloomington, Ill. Experience Largest Year-over-Year Gains; Houston-The Woodlands-Sugar Land, Texas and Grand Forks, N.D.-Minn. Have Biggest Annual Declines Construction employment increased in 264 out of 358 metro areas between June 2016 and June 2017… Read More
August 2, 2017
Construction spending in June declined from May but increased from a year ago as public investment shrank for nearly every type of structure, according to an analysis of new government data by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials cautioned that the significant… Read More
August 1, 2017