
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Calls on GSA to Withdraw PLA Preference Policy

Also Recommends Change Order & Other Reforms 

On July 24, AGC urged the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) to rescind its project labor agreement (PLA) bid preference policy in the association’s  to GSA’s request for regulatory reform. GSA is the only major federal construction agency to include such a bid preference in its procurement process. 

Additionally, given the problems GSA and other federal owners have with timely execution of change orders, AGC also recommended that the agency establish timelines—based on dollar thresholds—for contracting officers to follow on executing change orders. AGC also put forth language that would help prevent contracting officers from denying change order proposals based on insignificant paperwork mistakes, which can be used as a means to reset the clock.   

AGC also recommended that GSA—as a member of the Federal Acquisition Regulation Council—issue a rulemaking to put in place the counting of lower tier small business subcontractors and allow the agency to use CM-at-Risk in a way that more closely resembles private sector use of the procurement and project delivery method. 

For more information, contact Jimmy Christianson at or 703-837-5325.

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