We are excited to announce the opening of the 2024 Diversity & Inclusion (D&I) Assessment, a resource designed exclusively for construction firms. This tool empowers companies to establish a baseline, measure progress, and celebrate successes in their D&I programs, policies, and practices.

The Department of the Treasury and the Internal Revenue Service issued final regulations on the prevailing wage and apprenticeship (PWA) requirements related to increased credit or deduction amounts for certain clean energy incentives, enacted as a part of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).

On June 10, AGC of America, and several of its members, took to the witness stand in federal court to halt three unfair provisions in the new Davis-Bacon final rule impacting its coverage to truck drivers, contractors with material supply operations, and where an owner fails to include the requirement in the bidding documents/contract. Doug Walterscheid (J. Lee Milligan Inc., AGC of Texas member), John Ramage (71 Construction, AGC of Wyoming member), Doug Tabeling (Carroll Daniel Construction, Georgia AGC member), and Jimmy Christianson (AGC of America) testified in the U. S. District Court for The Northern District of Texas in Lubbock on behalf of the association’s legal challenge to the U.S. DOL’s unlawful expansion of Davis-Bacon coverage to construction contractors. The court hearing was on AGC of America’s motion for preliminary injunction that, if granted, would halt the U.S. Department of Labor’s enforcement of the three aforementioned provisions.

AGC joined 95 other business organizations urging the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Wage and Hour Division (WHD) to stay implementation of the overtime final rule to allow for judicial review. There are currently four legal challenges to the Department of Labor’s overtime rule in various federal courts, leaving the rule in legal jeopardy. Despite this legal uncertainty, the rule is currently slated to go into effect on July 1.

AGC of America joined 70 organizations, employers, unions, patient and disease advocacy groups, and health care stakeholders in reminding Congress of the value of employer-provided health care coverage and explaining why it should remain tax-free.

Quick Reference Guide Now Available

The AGC Labor and Employment Law Council held its 39th Annual Construction Labor Law Symposium on May 2-3, 2024, in Washington, DC. The Council is a network of attorneys who regularly represent AGC members and chapters in labor and employment matters. It holds an annual continuing legal education symposium such attorneys and for chapter labor staff.

Looking to tackle your biggest construction HR & workforce challenges? There’s no better place than AGC of America’s Construction HR & Workforce Conference!

On April 26, AGC of America and other business groups jointly filed a friend-of-the-court amicus brief urging a federal district court in Texas to declare unlawful a significant U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) final rule (2024) revising the standards for analyzing who is an employee or independent contractor under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The final rule took effect March 11, 2024, and rescinded the Trump administration final rule (2021), replacing it with a more complex analysis for determining employee or independent contractor status.

Addresses Legal Developments and Emerging Issues, Including Virtual Work Environments