The Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has granted an extension for federal contractors to object to the release of their EEO-1 data. The new deadline is October 19, 2022. With the deadline still looming, Alissa Horvitz of the law firm Roffman Horvitz provided AGC of America a guide for contractors covered by this FOIA request to follow as they consider their options and potentially object to their particular company’s EEO-1 release. Objection guide can be found here.
AGC's Construction HR & Training Professionals Conference is right around the corner! Register by September 23rd to lock in the lowest rate for your HRTED '22 experience. Book your room today to secure your discounted AGC group rate of $245 per night.
Do the risks outweigh the benefits of using prefabricated construction on your next project? ConsensusDocs recently held a webinar and emphatically concluded that, yes, the benefits far outweigh the risk so long as you have the right contractual tools to address the many small and large issues that arise when using prefabrication. In addition, new proposed federal rules may change how off-site work is treated under Davis-Bacon and the application of prevailing wages. However, the trend toward prefabrication, especially in a post-Covid-19 outbreak construction world, will undoubtedly continue.

Take the brief survey to help AGC of America help better communicate to public and private owners about how continuing construction materials shortages, long lead times and price volatility are impacting the construction industry.

ҵ of America is launching a new effort to combat high suicide rates and improve mental health among the industry’s workers, the trade group announced today. The new effort, which the association is launching as part of its support for suicide prevention month, is designed to address the high rate of suicide among construction workers.

ҵ of America is launching a new effort to combat high suicide rates and improve mental health among the industry’s workers, the trade group announced today. The new effort, which the association is launching as part of its support for suicide prevention month, is designed to address the high rate of suicide among construction workers.
On September 6, 2022, AGC submitted a letter raising concern about the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) intent to prohibit and restrict certain areas from disposal sites for the Pebble Mine under the Clean Water Act (CWA) section 404(c)---commonly referred to as EPA’s veto authority. The permit in question is currently undergoing an administrative appeal following the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ denial. EPA’s preemptive veto of the permit would set a harmful precedent for future projects working through the permitting and/or appeals process and have a chilling effect on infrastructure development.

On September 6, 2022, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed the designation of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS) as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA or Superfund as it is more commonly known). This action, if finalized as proposed, would trigger reporting requirements and ultimately the cleanup of contaminated sites. AGC is concerned about the designation as a contractor may have unknowingly interacted with the chemicals on jobsites that had not previously been considered contaminated—and CERCLA does not include an “innocent contractor” provision. AGC requested a 60-day extension on the comment period, which currently will close on November 7, 2022.