
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood was on hand to break ground on a construction project in Denver June 30.  Castle Rock Construction began work on the highway C-470 project, which is the largest stimulus-funded project in the state.  In his blog, Secretary LaHood wrote that "Castle Rock… Read More
June 30, 2009
AGC brings programs to you for early-career superintendents and project managers, and those looking to get involved with green construction and building information modeling. AGC works with leading industry experts and practitioners to develop its national curricula. Currently, AGC has four… Read More
June 30, 2009
As of June 26, 2009, all new construction and major renovation projects registering to use the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating SystemTM need to use the newest version-LEED 2009. The changes to the rating system are part of an over-arching evolution of the… Read More
June 30, 2009
U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) Secretary of Labor Hilda L. Solis on June 24 announced five grant competitions, totaling $500 million, to fund projects that prepare workers for “green” jobs in the energy efficiency and renewable energy industries. Nongovernmental organizations (such as ҵ Chapters… Read More
June 29, 2009
On May 19, ҵ Chief Economist Ken Simonson was invited with a handful of other members of the National Association for Business Economics to brief Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke and Governor Dan Tarullo on the state of the economy. Ken told the governors that respondents to his 12,000-… Read More
June 29, 2009
Upcoming ConsensusDOCS Webinar – Federal Subcontracting Are You Ready to Contract for Federal Projects? When: July 9, 2009  1:00 - 2:00 pm ET Federal contracting isn’t easy and neither are the contracts.  The ConsensusDOCS 752 is the first and only standard subcontract agreement for federal… Read More
June 29, 2009
Inspired by the many Marvin M. Black Excellence in Partnering Awards, this comprehensive look at project partnering spells out the partnering process and how to manage partnering on the job with real-life testimonials and case studies. Complete with photographs, actual partnering charters, letters… Read More
June 26, 2009
The first webinar, How to Make BIM Work & Navigate the Legal Concerns, will be held on June 24, 2009 from 1:00 to 2:30 ET.  Hear firsthand from an owner, architect and contractor on how they have dealt with the legal ramifications of moving into a 3-D world of design and construction and how… Read More
June 26, 2009
The leaders of the building construction industry participated in the AGC Building Contractors Conference held June 10-13 in Hot Springs, Va.  This Conference brought together many of the top building construction firms, specialty contractors, service and supply companies and owners to focus on the… Read More
June 26, 2009
On June 6, AGC's Chief Economist Ken Simonson gave a presentation to Washington, D.C.'s  Water and Sewer Authority (WASA) senior management.  WASA provides drinking water and wastewater services to 500,000 customers in the District of Columbia, and 1.6 million customers in Maryland and Virginia. In… Read More
June 26, 2009