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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Training, development and human resource professionals should attend the AGC HR Professionals Conference and Training & Development Conference October 27-29, in Atlanta, to earn valuable continuing education credits toward their respective designations. As an authorized provider of continuing… Read More
September 22, 2009
Jointly sponsored by AGC and CFMA, the 13th Annual AGC/CFMA Conference was developed in response to a need for programs and workshops designed specifically for financial professionals in the construction industry. The two day conference is filled with more than 30 interactive sessions, covering… Read More
September 22, 2009
AGC would like to invite all young- and mid-career professionals working in the construction industry to join the annual ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Construction Leadership Council Working Weekend, to be held Nov. 19-21, 2009, in Nashville, Tenn. This event is co-sponsored by the AGC of America Construction Leadership… Read More
September 22, 2009
Free Webinar - September 30th from 1-2pm ET Developed by AGC and Zurich Services Corp, the Highway Worker Safety Program focuses on the leading causes of fatality and injury for employees managing and performing work on highways in America. In this webinar, learn how to effectively navigate and… Read More
September 22, 2009
As a follow up to President Obama's address to a joint session of Congress last week, members on the Senate Finance Committee are poised to release details of their health care reform legislation. The group dubbed the "gang of six" are working on finding a comprise that may gain Republican support… Read More
September 22, 2009
House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar (D-Minn.) plans to limit the length of an extension of highway and transit program spending authorization in order to press for a multi-year transportation authorization bill. It is unclear at this time how long an extension… Read More
September 22, 2009
"Reports from the 12 Federal Reserve Districts indicate that economic activity continued to stabilize in July and August," the Fed reported on September 9 in the latest Beige Book, a summary of informal soundings of business conditions. The districts are referred to by the name of their… Read More
September 22, 2009
This summer, the AGC Specialty Contractors Council asked AGC specialty contractor members to complete a survey that will be used to guide the future of the SCC and will ensure that its interests are aligned with those of AGC's specialty contractor members.  Thank you to the 720+ members who… Read More
September 22, 2009
A September 9 report from the latest Beige Book, a summary of informal soundings of business conditions, "indicate that economic activity continued to stabilize in July and August."  The districts are referred to by the name of their headquarters city. Relative to the last report, Dallas indicated… Read More
September 22, 2009
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) has issued guidance to states clarifying that contractors working on federal-aid highway contracts funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) are not required to report the… Read More
September 21, 2009