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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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AGC hosted a special forum at this year's Convention focused on environmental challenges specific to the construction industry.  AGC recognizes that environmental requirements have become a great and growing responsibility for contractors, delaying if not threatening construction projects and… Read More
April 1, 2010
AGC's Open Shop Committee held an active roundtable discussion at a meeting during the Annual Convention on March 17.  Contractors and Chapter staff from across the country shared recent experiences regarding labor relations and labor-related government affairs in their respective areas.… Read More
April 1, 2010
It's true that the building trades have heightened influence in Congress and the administration these days, AFL-CIO's Building and Construction Trades Department (BCTD) President Mark Ayers (left) acknowledged to a standing-room-only audience at a forum presented by AGC's Union Contractors… Read More
April 1, 2010
CONSTRUCTION SPENDING DROPS TO 2002 LEVELS, AS PRIVATE RESIDENTIAL, NONRESIDENTIAL AND PUBLIC CONSTRUCTION ALL DECLINE Single-family and Power Construction are Only Bright Spots, Says Industry Economist Simonson  Construction spending tumbled in February by $11.6 billion, or 1.3 percent, to $846… Read More
April 1, 2010
On March 23, 2010, President Obama signed into law the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (H.R. 3590) and shortly thereafter the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4872), which changes health care as we know it.  In the coming years there are many adjustments that… Read More
April 1, 2010
AGC last week joined a broad coalition of environmental, science-based, public health, industry, and state and local government groups by signing a group letter in support of expanded funding in fiscal year 2011 for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Diesel Emissions Reduction Program (DERP… Read More
April 1, 2010
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Wednesday released a draft of the new Form W-11, the affidavit individuals must complete to confirm that they are qualified employees under a new law that provides tax incentives for businesses hiring new workers.   Under the Hiring Incentives to Restore… Read More
April 1, 2010
Prior to leaving for the spring recess, Congress passed a 30-day extension of Federal Aviation Administration authorization. Program and taxing authorization expired on September 30, 2007 and FAA has been operating under short term extension ever since. Both the House and Senate have passed long-… Read More
April 1, 2010
On Friday March, 26, Knife River Corp., belly dump truck driver Joyce Fisk of Almelund, Minn., testified before House Transportation and Infrastructure Committee Chairman Jim Oberstar. Fisk gave her personal testimonial as to the impact the stimulus has had on her job and family.She recalled to the… Read More
April 1, 2010
The Federal Election Commission's (FEC) deadline for quarter one fundraising was yesterday. This deadline is a significant financial bench marker for Congressional candidates running for office.In the first quarter of 2010, ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ PAC contributed $96,500 to 52 Congressional candidates. Thank you to… Read More
April 1, 2010