
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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The massive healthcare bill enacted in March contained a provision that requires government, nonprofits and businesses of all sizes to file Form 1099s with the IRS when goods or services purchased without a credit card from another business exceed $600 in a year.  Currently, a Form 1099 filing is… Read More
September 10, 2010
According to Reed Construction Data's Jim Haughey, 13 states have budget reserves of one percent or less, thus making interim spending cuts inevitable.  Many states budgeted for additional stimulus funds, and they will have to trim their budgets if additional grants are not received.  Only 17… Read More
September 9, 2010
AGC, as part of the Transportation Construction Coalition and Americans for Transportation Mobility, pushed for passage of the long-delayed highway and transportation bill Wednesday in Des Moines. The groups began a new national advertising campaign to push for federal funds to fix aging roads and… Read More
September 9, 2010
At a Labor Day event in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, President Obama announced a plan to request an up-front investment of $50 billion for transportation infrastructure. While there are few specific details, AGC has learned from a senior U.S. DOT official that President Obama is committed to moving a six-… Read More
September 9, 2010
  The second "Super Tuesday" this primary season is quickly approaching.  ҵ PAC has been active in many of the nine states that will hold primaries next Tuesday: Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin.  The final primary, held… Read More
September 9, 2010
Registration is now open for the 2010 AGC Joint Highway and Utilities Contractors Issues Meeting in Phoenix, Ariz. The meeting is scheduled for November 11-13, 2010 at the Arizona Biltmore hotel. You can register online and also find out more information about the meeting here. This year's meeting… Read More
September 8, 2010
Despite increased annual appropriations in FY10, and an unprecedented $6 billion investment through the Recovery Act, the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Loans continue to operate without having been reauthorized in over 20 years, bringing uncertainty to these successful but… Read More
September 8, 2010
The Federal Acquisition Regulation Councils have released the final version of the rule governing the Buy American provisions for direct-federal procurements under the Recovery Act. While this rule does not govern the federally-assisted work done through grants and loans (like those administered by… Read More
September 8, 2010
The Common Ground Alliance has released its report on the 2009 information gathered through the Damage Information Reporting Tool (DIRT) concerning damage to underground utility facilities. Estimated damages and DIRT events have decreased, but for the first time the Data Reporting and Evaluation… Read More
September 8, 2010
" width="300" height="200" />AGC senior vice president Kris Young with Iowa DOT director Nancy Richardson and AGC of Iowa president Robert Cramer.  AGC, as part of the Transportation Construction Coalition and Americans for Transportation Mobility, pushed for passage of the long-delayed highway… Read More
September 8, 2010