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August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

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Impacts Direct-Federal Contractors Only    Earlier this year, the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR) Council issued a final rule—as a result of a presidential executive order—to help prevent human trafficking on direct federal government contracts. The rule applies to direct… Read More
July 23, 2015
SBA Extends Comment Period to May 6    AGC submitted comments this week on the U.S. Small Business Administration’s (SBA) proposed rule that would expand mentor-protĂ©gĂ© joint venturing opportunities to all small businesses, regardless of small business size or… Read More
July 23, 2015
Recently, Representative Sam Graves (R-Mo.) introduced a bill that would reasonably limit federal agencies’ use of one-step design-build procurements and the shortlist for two-step design-build procurements. The Design-Build Efficiency and Jobs Act of 2015, H.R. 1666, would mandate the use of the… Read More
July 23, 2015
The U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) announced on Monday, April 6 – the day comments were due on its proposed local hire pilot program – to extend the comment period an additional 30 days through May 6, 2015. The DOT proposal established a pilot program that will allow state and local… Read More
July 23, 2015
Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) surprised Capitol Hill and the state of Nevada last Friday when he announced that he would retire at the end of the 114th Congress.  Mr. Reid quickly expressed support for former Nevada Attorney General Catherine Cortez Masto as his successor. This,… Read More
July 23, 2015
June 8-9, 2015 | Colorado Springs, Colo.    The AGC Financial Issues Committee (FIC) Summer Meeting will be held June 8-9, 2015, at The Broadmoor in Colorado Springs, Colo. Early-bird registration ends Monday, April 13. Meetings and discussions with FASB… Read More
July 23, 2015
Register by Tuesday, April 7 to Save $100!    The latest project forecasts, expert insight on upcoming regulatory hurdles, and ample networking opportunities with agency decision makers are critical to being competitive in the federal construction market. Join construction industry… Read More
July 23, 2015
  EM 385-1-1, 2014 Version    The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers recently released a new version of its safety and health manual. The new manual—EM 385-1-1, 2014 Version—includes a host of changes to safety and health requirements that USACE, and other federal… Read More
July 23, 2015
Contact Your Members of Congress to Support H.R. 1671    Rep. Mick Mulvaney (R-S.C.) recently introduced the “Government Neutrality in Contracting Act” (H.R. 1671) in the House. This legislation—like its companion bill, S. 71, in the Senate introduced by Sen. David Vitter in January—… Read More
July 23, 2015
USACE Would Take Over Major VA Construction Management    Late last week, Rep. Mike Coffman (R-Colo.) and Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) introduced legislation that would remove the Department of Veterans Affairs’ (VA) Office of Construction & Facilities Management (CFM) from… Read More
July 23, 2015