
Featured Story
August 26, 2024
  AGC & Arcoro Workforce Survey 94 Percent of Construction Firms Report Having a Hard Time Finding Workers to Hire, Undermining Efforts to Build Infrastructure & Other Projects As Industry Calls for Better Federal Workforce Policies The nation’s failure to invest in construction… Read More

AGC News

Recent Stories

Below is a review of the past week's news articles from across the country featuring AGC of America's efforts.  ABC 7 Denver: Construction employment declines across the country Alaska Business Monthly: Construction employment declines in 144 out of 358 metro areas between Sept. 2014 and… Read More
November 2, 2015
Colleen Kelly, Beacon Occupational Health & Safety Services Has all of the romance drained out of your business proposals? You used to spend hours thinking about the client’s needs and wants. What would their ideal contractor look like? How could I show that we’re the perfect match? But lately… Read More
November 1, 2015
Recently, AGC sent letters opposing the possible use of a project labor agreement (PLA) mandate posted by the Naval Facilities Engineering Command Southwest (NAVFAC) and the General Services Administration Mid-Atlantic Region (GSA). The letters address the possible use of mandatory PLAs involving… Read More
October 30, 2015
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) recently announced approximately $13.2 million in supplemental funding through the Revolving Loan Funding (RLF) program for 44 communities to cleanup and redevelop contaminated properties.  The agency also has released a new electronic decision… Read More
October 28, 2015
Safety professionals aren’t yet aware of all the emerging green building systems.  To meet this need in the building industry, AGC of Washington and its AGC Education Foundation partnered with others on a grant to develop a curriculum and a mobile app specific to safety concerns while working… Read More
October 28, 2015
Construction employment declined in 144 out of 358 metro areas between September 2014 and September 2015, while construction was stagnant in 55 and increased in 159 metro areas, according to a new analysis of federal employment data released today by the Associated General Contractors of America.… Read More
October 27, 2015
Resources are now on the AGC-Supported Construction Industry Compliance Assistance Center! Safety professionals aren’t yet aware of all the emerging green building systems.  To meet this need in the building industry, AGC of Washington and its AGC Education Foundation partnered with others on… Read More
October 26, 2015
Construction employment expanded in 35 states and the District of Columbia between September 2014 and September 2015 yet only 23 states added jobs between August and September, according to an analysis released today of Labor Department data by the Associated General Contractors of America.… Read More
October 20, 2015
On October 8, President Obama signed a bipartisan bill into law - the Protecting Affordable Coverage for Employees Act or PACE Act. The PACE Act amends the definition of “small employer” for purposes of the non-tax portions of the Affordable Care ACT (ACA). Under the law, states have the option to… Read More
October 20, 2015
AGC’s 2015 Construction HR & Training Professionals Conference wrapped up Oct. 9 after two-and-a-half days of education, sharing of best practices and networking in St. Louis, MO.  The conference continues to be a must-attend event for HR and training professionals in the construction… Read More
October 16, 2015