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The draft CGP is online at HYPERLINK "http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/cgp_proposed.pdf"http://www.epa.gov/npdes/pubs/cgp_proposed.pdf. Sections of the draft permit that correspond to the questions are highlighted in yellow. Please respond as soon as possible via e-mail to Leah Pilconis at HYPERLINK "mailto:pilconisl@agc.org"pilconisl@agc.org. Application for permit coverage Request for comment on transition to a paperless NOI system for the CGP. Part 1.5.2. It is EPAs strong preference to require all construction operators to use the eNOI system in the interest of developing a paperless application process and of minimizing the administrative cost of continuing to process paper NOIs. Nevertheless, EPA is aware that the permitting program is still in the process of making the transition to a paperless process, and therefore has preserved in the proposed permit the ability to accept paper NOIs in limited circumstances, where the relevant Regional Office authorizes their use. EPA requests comments on the proposed requirement in the CGP to require the use of the eNOI except where a paper NOI is specifically authorized. EPA also requests comments on the experiences construction operators have had in using the existing eNOI system, recommendations for improving the system, and recommendations on the specific circumstances under which paper NOIs should still be accepted. Natural buffers and equivalent sediment controls compliance alternatives Request for comments on the buffer compliance alternatives. Part EPA requests comments on the buffer compliance alternatives in Part, and on the guidelines provided in Appendix M. EPA is also interested in comments on whether additional flexibility is warranted for small sites that intend to implement the buffer alternative. Please provide specific ideas on what alternative requirements such sites should be subject to that in general achieves the goal of equivalent sediment reduction as the 50-foot buffer. EPA welcomes the submission of performance and cost data for treatment devices that might be implemented under compliance alternatives and General design requirements/required design factors Request for comments on the concept of adopting a 2-year, 24-hour design storm standard for stormwater controls. Part EPA considered proposing a 2-year, 24-hour design storm standard for stormwater controls, which would need to be met unless it was infeasible to achieve at the particular site. EPA could envision including an additional design requirement in the section above that would require something like the following: sediment controls must be sized so that they are effective at treating stormwater discharges that result from the local 2-year, 24-hour storm event or smaller. EPA believes that the inclusion of such a standard would have the benefit of assisting construction operators in the design and selection of controls by introducing a definitive standard by which to assess compliance. For background, the 2-year, 24-hour storm was also used in the 2003 and 2008 CGPs as the sizing criteria for sediment basins. See Section 3.1.A.1 of the 2008 CGP. EPA also adopted the 2-year, 24-hour storm in the C&D rule for the purposes of applying the numeric turbidity limit; where the storm causing a discharge is greater than the 2-year, 24-hour storm, the permittee is not required to comply with the turbidity limit. EPA requests comments on the advisability of adopting a design storm standard, and specifically on whether the 2-year, 24-hour design storm is the appropriate size storm for the design of stormwater controls. Install stormwater controls before construction starts Request for comments on whether there are situations in which it would be infeasible or impracticable to make operators install all stormwater controls before commencing earth disturbances. If so, please explain. Part Stabilize construction entrance and exit points Request for comments on the feasibility of stabilizing entrance and exit points for a minimum of 50 feet. Part EPA requests comment on the feasibility of the requirement to stabilize entrance and exit points for a minimum of 50 feet. If this distance is not practicable at sites, explain why and what would you suggest as a minimum threshold for stabilizing these areas and for what size sites. Chemical treatment Request for comments on the proposed permits restrictions on the use of polymers, flocculants, or other treatment chemicals to enhance sediment removal. Part EPA is interested in comments regarding the above proposed requirements on the use of chemicals for stormwater control. EPA is also interested specifically in whether commenters believe that it is necessary to require residual testing in connection with the use of chitosan, and whether a maximum dosage rate should be included in the permit. Deadline to complete stabilization activities Request for comments on the practicability of the stabilization timeframes. Part EPA requests comment generally on the practicability of these timeframes. EPA requests comment on specific instances when the 7-day deadline to complete certain aspects of stabilization may not be practicable or where exceptions should be provided. Stabilization deadlines for arid/semi-arid areas and sensitive areas Request for comments on the proposed deadlines for initiating and completing stabilization of exposed areas of the site in arid and semi-arid areas. EPA also requests comment on treating as a sensitive area for stabilization purposes sites that will conduct construction activities in critical habitat areas or areas where listed endangered species exist. Part EPA requests comments on the above stabilization requirements applicable to sensitive areas and arid and semi-arid areas. Specifically regarding sensitive areas, EPA is interested in comment on treating as a sensitive area for stabilization purposes sites that will conduct construction activities in critical habitat areas or areas where listed endangered species exist. EPA also welcomes comments on the appropriateness of combining the proposed as soon as practicable deadline above with a specific fallback deadline (e.g., not later than 28 days after the cessation of construction activities in an area). Criteria for stabilization/vegetative stabilization Request for comments on whether the C-factor stabilization criteria should be used as the sole option for complying with the permits stabilization requirements, as opposed to allowing permittees to choose either the C-factor method or the 70 percent areal cover approach. Part In the proposed permit, EPA provides two options for vegetatively stabilizing exposed portions of the site, including the 2008 CGPs 70 percent criteria and the new C-factor value approach. EPA requests comments on whether the final permit should include only the C-factor value approach, and what the advantages would be of doing so. Pollution prevention standards for fueling and maintenance of equipment and vehicles Request for comments on the practicability of providing secondary containment or cover for fueling and maintenance areas on the site. Part EPA requests comment on the practicability of providing secondary containment or cover for fueling and maintenance areas on the site, and whether having provisions like spill kits available at the site is sufficient. Please identify specifically the situations where this requirement may not be practical. Pollution prevention standards for staging and storage areas Request for comments on the practicability of providing secondary containment or cover for staging and storage areas on the site. Part EPA requests comment on the practicability of providing secondary containment or cover for staging and storage areas on the site. Types of discharge conditions requiring sampling Request for comments on whether the permit should include a minimum rainfall amount below which no sampling is required. Part EPA requests comment on whether the permit should include a minimum rainfall amount associated with this requirement below which no sampling is required. The Agency has some concerns about this approach, for instance, how it would be implemented in the field prior to the permittee knowing how much precipitation will end up falling, but is interested in feedback on this issue. Sampling frequency Request for comments on the sampling frequency specified, and on the alternative option of requiring samples to be taken once every 2 hours following the first sample. Part 3.3.2. EPA requests comments on the above sampling frequency and on the alternative option of requiring samples to be taken once every 2 hours following the first sample. Which option would be clearer in terms of implementation (and why), and which option would be more likely to generate representative samples (and why)? Sampling location Request for comments on whether the permit should allow representative samples to represent multiple discharge points for other types of construction projects besides linear projects. Part The Agencys preference is to limit the use of representative monitoring (allowing a single representative sample location for more than one discharge point) to linear type projects. However, EPA requests comment on whether there are other specific situations where the permit should allow representative samples for other types of construction projects. Actions required if you violate the numeric turbidity limit Request for comments on whether the permit should require immediate notification of EPA for extremely high turbidity levels. Part 3.3.8. EPA solicits comments on whether the permit should require an immediate notification (e.g., 24 hours) of EPA for extremely high turbidity levels. For instance, do commenters believe the permittee should be required to notify EPA within 24 hours of an exceedance that is two times or greater than the numeric limit? If you disagree with this approach, do you support some alternative threshold that would require immediate notification of EPA? Reporting turbidity sample results to EPA Request for comments on whether allowances should be made in the permit for quarterly (rather than monthly) reporting for sites which have not exceeded the turbidity limit. Part 3.3.9. EPA requests comment on whether allowance should be made in the permit for quarterly reporting for those sites where no exceedances occur. Discharge limitations for impaired waters Request for comments on the way in which this permit determines whether there is a discharge to impaired waters. Part 4.2. EPA requests comments on the way in which this permit determines whether there is a discharge to impaired waters. EPA notes that it is developing an on-line mapping tool to assist construction operators in determining their receiving water, whether the waterbody is impaired, and, if so, for what pollutant. This tool will be available prior to the issuance of the final permit. Requirements for discharges to sediment or nutrient-impaired waters without an EPA-approved or established TMDL/water quality benchmark monitoring Request for comments on whether benchmark monitoring is an appropriate tool for assessing the effectiveness of controls in not contributing to impairments, and request for comments on the 10-acre threshold for requiring sites to conduct benchmark monitoring. EPA also requests comment on how benchmark monitoring might be used for discharges to waters that are habitat for listed fish species (e.g., white sturgeon, sockey salmon). Part EPA requests comment on the utility of benchmark monitoring and whether it is an appropriate tool for use in assessing the effectiveness of construction stormwater controls in not contributing to existing impairments. EPA also requests comment on whether benchmark monitoring should be required for impaired waters regardless of whether or not a TMDL has been approved or established, or only for those impaired waters without an approved or established TMDL. EPA solicits feedback on the 10-acre disturbance threshold in Part below which no benchmark monitoring is required. Among other things, EPA is interested in whether the disturbance threshold should be set at a different size, either lower or higher. EPA also requests comment on the specific benchmark levels in Appendix J. EPA also requests comment on whether use of nitrogen or phosphorous fertilizer on vegetative cover for stabilization would impact the permittees ability to achieve benchmark levels and if so, should the benchmark provisions include an exception for this situation. EPA also requests comment on whether it should account for natural variability in stormwater discharges in establishing benchmark requirements, and if so, how. Finally, in addition to requiring benchmark monitoring for discharges to sediment and nutrient-impaired waters, EPA also welcomes comment on how benchmark monitoring might be used for discharges to waters that are habitat for listed (i.e., threatened or endangered) fish species (e.g., white sturgeon, sockey salmon). Daily visual examination Request for comment on the appropriateness of daily visual examinations. Part EPA requests comment on the practicability of conducting daily visual examinations as proposed above, and on the practicability of the timeframes for stabilization in Part Requirements for discharges to sediment or nutrient-impaired waters Request for comment on the proposed additional requirements on sites discharging to sediment or nutrient-impaired waters. Also request for comment on whether the focus should be expanded to cover certain biological impairments attributable to sediment or nutrients. Part 4.2.2. EPA requests feedback on the appropriateness of the proposed additional requirements for sites discharging to impaired waters in this part of the permit. If you have concerns with the proposed requirements, please specify alternate requirements that you believe would work better for these discharges. EPA also solicits comment on whether the focus on impairments for sediment and nutrients (and related parameters) should be expanded to cover certain biological impairments that are attributable to either sediment or nutrients. Requirements for inspections Request for comments on the proposed application of the same inspection requirements for linear projects as to other types of construction projects. Part 5.1.4. In past versions of the CGP, representative inspections were allowed for linear construction projects at or near access points where a roadway, undisturbed right-of-way, or other similar feature intersected the construction site. See Part 4.G of the 2008 CGP. After revisiting this requirement, EPA is of the opinion that site inspections at linear sites should be performed at the same frequency and include the same requirements as any other construction site. First, EPA is concerned that a continued exception of this kind will stand as an impediment to the proper upkeep of stormwater controls. Second, it is EPAs understanding that most linear construction projects are completed in phases, and therefore regular inspections of the area of disturbance is both feasible and reasonable. EPA requests comments on this proposed change from the 2008 CGP. Residual chitosan testing Request for comments on whether there is a level of chitosan residual below which corrective action would not be necessary. Part EPA requests comment on whether there is a level of chitosan residual below which the proposed corrective action would not be necessary. Timeframe to install and make operational corrective action stormwater controls Request for comment on whether the 7-day timeframe is feasible. Part EPA requests comment on whether there are situations when the 7-day deadline is not feasible. Please provide specific examples, and suggest alternative timeframes. Reporting to EPA Request for comments on whether the deadline for reporting to EPA is reasonable, or whether a different deadline is more appropriate. Part 6.6. EPA requests comments on whether the proposed deadline to submit these notifications is reasonable, or whether a different deadline is appropriate. Person(s) responsible for developing SWPPP Request for comment on whether the owner of the site should bear the initial requirement to develop the SWPPP. Part 8.1.2. During the development of this proposed permit, EPA was asked to consider modifying the SWPPP requirements to require that, where there are multiple operators associated with the same construction activity, the party who possesses the title of the land where the construction activity will take place and has operational control over construction plans and specifications, typically the property owner, be responsible for developing the SWPPP. Part III.A of Minnesotas 2008 CGP was suggested as a good model for this type of requirement, which requires the owner to develop the SWPPP, and that as part of the SWPPP the owner must identify a person knowledgeable and experienced in the application of erosion prevention and sediment control BMPs who will oversee implementation. The Minnesota CGP is viewable at HYPERLINK "http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/water-types-and-programs/stormwater/constructionstormwater/"http://www.pca.state.mn.us/water/water-types-and-programs/stormwater/constructionstormwater/construction-stormwater.html#spermit. The advantage of this approach in multiple operator situations, according to the group recommending this modification, is that the owner and the site designer are required to be integrally involved in developing SWPPPs that comply with the CGP requirements. It has been the experience of some general contractors that on especially large transportation and commercial construction projects, where the contract is awarded to the lowest bid, and the site design may have been developed without sufficient regard for stormwater management and CGP compliance, it is very difficult to then later develop a SWPPP that complies with the permit, but conflicts with the site plans. The result of these conflicts can be that the owner and the general contractor are forced to negotiate changes to the site plan, which arguably should have been part of the original design. The proposed CGP, as well as the 2008 CGP, does not specify which party is responsible for SWPPP development in multiple operator situations. EPA requests comments on the recommendation to require that the owner be responsible for SWPPP development. If you are in favor of such a modification, please specify how this would benefit the type of construction activities in which you are involved. EPA also requests comments on how this approach would work with residential developments, where the owner may be relying exclusively on his/her general contractor to develop site plans that comply with all relevant permits, including the CGP. Turbidity benchmarks Request for comment on the proposed methodology used to establish benchmarks for waters impaired for turbidity when the underlying water quality criterion is based on natural background levels of turbidity.      PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 5  ! 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