
Bowen Prize for Great Builders Fund

The AGC Education and Research Foundation is proud to announce the establishment of the Bowen Prize for Great Builders.  Established by Robert “Bob” Bowen, this new $1M endowed Prize was announced during last month’s CCC Gala  to benefit the AGC Education and Research Foundation during the Annual ҵ Convention in San Diego.

Terry and Bob Bowen

Bob is an Emeritus AGC Education & Research Foundation board member, and he has created this Prize to encourage and award those amazing project executives and AGC member companies for their finished projects. 

The Prize is to recognize the individuals whose leadership and fortitude created finished projects deemed most important in the United States. The Prize seeks to identify and reward the most important project in terms of:

  • Customer service – quality
  • Letter from the customer
  • Leadership and team building
  • Innovative state of the art construction engineering processes
  • Good stewardship – how are they involved in the community
  • Safe jobsite – can have no fatalities on the project
  • Importance of the project to the community

The award will be made annually, but the project does not have to fall in a certain period and will be managed through the AGC Foundation in concert with AGC’s Build America Awards.

The Fund will create an award to include not only a distinguishing honor and recognition among peers, but also a $50K monetary award to the winning project executive. The winning project executive will direct the monetary portion of the Prize to support construction education at an accredited college or university of their choosing, for students studying construction or related engineering fields.

The Foundation and its Board of Directors extend our deepest appreciation to Bob and Terry Bowen for their commitment to support the Foundation with their transformational level of philanthropy.