
AGC Education and Research Foundation Releases New Case Study in Partnership with California State University, Fresno

The AGC Education and Research Foundation is committed to the growth, development, and encouragement of field research initiatives to enhance the education of construction management students. In support of this vision, the AGC Foundation commissions case studies that will provide today's construction management students the tools to build the industry's future. Cases written by faculty-contractor teams are based on actual experience and provide students with the opportunity to work through issues in a classroom setting.

The latest case study, written in partnership with the California State University, Fresno, addresses a construction company with primarily white employees executing a major construction project in neighborhoods where the population is primarily black. This situation places project team leaders in a position that calls for sensitivity toward diversity and decisions are made during the execution of the project. To access Strategies for Implementing Diversity and Inclusion on a Construction Site, .

Case Studies published by the foundation are available in  as free downloads to industry trainers and faculty members. The AGC Education and Research Foundation Case Study Task Force has also developed a white paper, “Implementing AGC Foundation Case Studies into Construction Education” which provides information about how to effectively use case studies to engage construction students in the classroom, including best practices that have proven successful. The Foundation recommends that instructors download the case study from a pdf and distribute to students directly, otherwise students could have access to the instructor notes on through the LMS.