
Performance Management and Coaching: Set Your Team Up for Success WebED

One of a Four-Part Series on Improving Worker Health & Behavioral Outcomes

Bad behavior or work habits of an employee is time consuming and can demoralize an entire team, not to mention making everyone’s workload and work life harder. Sharon Lovoy, a former HR director, knows first-hand how to handle performance and workplace problems that create drama and misery in the workplace. When a leader came to her with a problem, the leader left her office with practical advice and job aids. This course is set up to replicate that process.

Sharon will conduct a highly interactive session and give practical, timely information to help you protect your investment in your teams. During the program, she will help attendees develop a coaching strategy, including:

  • Determine if the problem is a work habit or performance issue;
  • Utilize tools to coach and correct;
  • Deliver feedback in person and document;
  • Get real about the costs of procrastination in failing to deal with team member problems.

This webinar is part of a four-part series, “How Construction Employers—from Field Supervisors to the C-Suite—Can Improve Worker Health & Behavioral Outcomes”. More info and how to register can be found here.

For more information, contact Claiborne Guy or 703-837-5382.

Continuing Education Offered:

1.00 HRCI Credit Hour |The use of this official seal confirms that this Activity has met HR Certification Institute’s® (HRCI®) criteria for recertification credit pre-approval.

Industry Priorities