
Construction Executive Pay Reported to Rise by 4.3% for 2022

According to the latest Contractor Compensation Quarterly (CCQ) published by PAS, Inc., construction executive staff wage increases came in at 4.3% for 2021 and are also projected to rise by an average 4.3% by 2022 year-end. Though the projected 2022 increase is 4.3%, it is pointed out that historically executive staff predictions are low, so year-end 2022 increases might come in even as high as 4.8%.

PAS also just finished the 2022 Construction/Construction Management Staff Salary Survey which indicated a wide regional variation in the 2021 actual pay increase data ranging from 3.5% to 5.3%. The overall projected increases came in at 4.2% for middle managers and professionals with a smaller variation between regions (3.6% to 4.3%. As with the executive increase numbers, we expect these 2022 anticipated numbers to grow as the year progresses.

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Jeff Robinson, president of PAS, Inc., is a regular sponsor and presenter at AGC's Construction HR and Training Professionals Conference.

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