
Building Trades Leader to Speak at ҵ Convention Next Month

AGC of America’s in New Orleans, LA, will feature a session called “State of the (Building Trade) Unions” where the Brent Booker, secretary-treasurer of North America’s Building Trade Unions, will speak.  The session is scheduled for Monday, Feb. 26, 3:00-4:30 p.m.  All Convention registrants are invited to attend.  While organized labor represents a minority of workers in construction, its actions have a significant impact on the industry and on the nation in general, making this session of interest to both union and nonunion contractors and chapters alike. 

Members of AGC’s Union Contractors Committee and chapter staff are also encouraged to attend an open meeting of the Union Contractors Steering Committee to be held on Tuesday, Feb. 27, 9:00-10:00 a.m.  The meeting will include a roundtable discussion of current union contractor activities and concerns. 

Visit for more information about the Convention and the many reasons to attend.

Industry Priorities