
Registration Open: AGC’s In-House Environmental Managers Meeting

Join Us in Denver on April 20, 2016

Are you an environmental professional working in-house at a construction firm?  AGC has organized a day of roundtable discussions specifically for you and your peers.  Join us in Denver, CO on April 20, 2016, for a day of information sharing and collaboration.  Seating is very limited for this meeting; please don’t wait to act on this exclusive opportunity. to register (construction firms only, please).

To facilitate contractors’ growing interest in peer-to-peer learning, AGC will hold a spring meeting for “In-House Environmental Managers” at the new Westin Denver International Airport.  The central, airport location will make this meeting as “in-and-out” and efficient as possible.  You will not need to leave the airport, cutting down on transportation time and costs considerably. 

Registration & Hotel

In order to ensure active discussion, space is limited to 40 participants.

to register (construction firms only, please) and secure your spot today. This meeting is not open to outside industry consultants, though they are welcome and encouraged to attend AGC’s 2016 Contractors Environmental Conference: October 5-6, Washington, DC.

To book a room at the new Westin Denver International Airport (at the AGC negotiated rate of $199 per night), .  The cut-off date for reserving a room at the AGC negotiate rate is April 3, 2016.  

Schedule & Events

You will be able to fly-in to Denver the evening of April 19, engage in roundtable discussions from 8AM to 3PM on April 20, and then take a flight home that evening – amounting to only one day out of the office.  AGC will gather discussion topics from participants in advance of the meeting, and participation will be limited to professionals working “in-house” at construction firms on environmental issues.  AGC is planning an evening reception and dinner for April 19, and AGC will provide breakfast and lunch on April 20; so all your meals will be included in the registration fee of $275.

New, Exclusive Opportunity for Industry Collaboration

AGC piloted the In-House Environmental Managers Meeting at its 2015 Contractors Environmental Conference, to accommodate members’ desires for an intimate, peer-to-peer learning and information sharing environment – in addition to the wealth of comprehensive programming offered at AGC’s annual environmental conference (i.e., expert educational sessions, case studies, updates on federal regulatory activities, etc.).  The manager’s meeting is structured as roundtable discussions wherein attendees chose the topics in advance and then spend the day sharing first-hand experiences.  At our pilot meeting, attendees discussed issues such as determining the environmental condition of a property, challenges in administering idling programs, tracking emissions, preparing jobsites for adverse weather events, documenting project-specific paperwork (whether that is enforcement or compliance oriented, chains of custody, product information, etc.), auditing projects, and implementing training, as well as a discussion of top risks, professional designations, and “continual improvement” efforts.  As in 2015, AGC plans to hold a separate In-House Environmental Managers Meeting in conjunction with AGC’s 2016 Contractors Environmental Conference: October 5-6, Washington, DC.

For more information, please contact AGC’s Melinda Tomaino at

Industry Priorities