
Seven Individuals Earn CM-BIM Credential

AGC of America would like to congratulate the seven individuals who passed their exam in September and October that earns them the professional credential, the Certificate of Management-Building Information Modeling (CM-BIM). Since its inception in 2011, 567 individuals have earned the CM-BIM designation.


Clifford Coats
David Oride
Cesar Ramirez


Matthew Brackman
Matthew Caruso
Andrew Hansen
Jeff Rindlisbacher

Each of the 567 credentialed individuals offer professional expertise, as well as the commitment to move the construction industry forward. As more owners are requiring BIM, these certificate holders have the knowledge, ability, and skill-set to really implement a BIM project.

All individuals who successfully complete an examination may be recognized for this achievement on . (Authorization by the candidate is required.)

The CM-BIM exam concludes the BIM Education Program, a four-course series that delivers cutting-edge training. To begin your journey, visit the  to find courses scheduled near you.