
Can Scott Walker Go 4-0?

On Monday, Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker (R) formally announced his presidential candidacy, becoming the 15th Republican to officially enter the national campaign. 

Perhaps signaling the type of campaign he intends to run, Gov. Walker sought to create a clear contrast between himself and the rest of the GOP field.  Walker’s theme of being “conservative, bold, and decisive” was highlighted in his announcement video that stressed his gubernatorial record, the fights with Big Labor, and winning three statewide Wisconsin elections in four years. 

Governor Walker was first elected Wisconsin’s chief executive in 2010, after serving two terms as Milwaukee County Executive and spending nine years in the state Assembly.  He defeated Milwaukee Mayor and former Congressman Tom Barrett (D) in 2010 and again in the 2012 recall election.  In 2014, he defeated businesswoman and Madison School Board member Mary Burke. 

In the RealClearPolitics Average of the most recent national polling, the Governor ranks as one of the top five preferred candidates by Republican voters.  Leading the field is former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Fla.) with 17.8%.  He is followed by Gov. Walker (R-Wisc.) at 9.8%, businessman Donald Trump (R) at 9.3%, and US Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) and Dr. Ben Carson (R) who are tied at 8.5%.

The next likely Republican entrants are Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio) and former Governor Jim Gilmore (R-Va.).

For more information, contact David Ashinoff at