
How Would the Blacklisting Executive Order Impact Your Company?

Please Complete the Survey Below to Help You & AGC 

The Obama administration recently issued a  and to implement its AGC-opposed  (Blacklisting) Executive Order. Please complete to help AGC show how the Blacklisting Executive Order would impact the construction industry.

Under the executive order, direct-federal contractors and subcontractors would have to do ALL of the following:

  • Keep track of all of their violations of federal and state labor or employment laws, including all administrative determinations (such as OSHA citations), all civil judgments and all arbitration awards, for the last three years;
  • Include information on all of those violations in all bids and proposals to perform federal contracts exceeding $500,000; and
  • Provide information on any new violations to the contracting officer/prime contractor every six months for the term of any federal contract they are performing.

The executive order would also require prime contractors to evaluate their subcontractors’ labor violations at all subcontracting tiers and determine whether the subcontractors are “responsible.” Contractors would have to perform this evaluation process for subcontractors that make offers before bid submission as well as those subcontractors that actually perform work post-contract award.

Again, please take a moment to complete , so AGC can best represent you before Congress and the administration.

For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at 703-837-5325