
Tax Committee Action: House and Senate

The Senate Finance Working Groups were granted an informal extension through June to submit their recommendations on ways to reform the tax code to the committee’s leadership. On the House side, committee members are working to wrangle together enough offsets to fund a long-term highway bill.

Rep. Charles Boustany (R- La.) has drafted an international tax reform bill that would use the 2014 tax reform plan by former Ways and Means Chair Dave Camp as a starting point to address issues such as corporate tax rates, patent boxes and anti-base erosion rules. The concept of discouraging domestic multinational companies from “inverting” their domiciled address is on the minds of lead tax writers as an effort to keep the U.S. tax code competitive, retain jobs, and as a way to pay for the Highway Trust Fund.

AGC has been providing information to the committee on potential tax policy changes that impact construction companies over the past six months and expects Congress to continue to debate the international matter further during the summer months.

For more information, please contact Brian Lenihan at or (202) 547-4733.