
More Candidates Enter the Presidential Fray

Two Republicans officially declared their intention to seek the presidency this week bringing the total number of announced candidates to 10 – two Democrats and eight Republicans.

On Wednesday, former US Senator Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) stated that he would again become a candidate in the Republican presidential primary.  Mr. Santorum served two terms in the US House of Representatives and then US Senate where he rose to become the party’s third highest ranking member.  After a period in the private sector, Mr. Santorum entered the 2012 presidential contest.  With lackluster competition, he was able to win contests in 11 states and netted nearly 4 million votes. 

In a party that typical turns to the “next-in-line,” Mr. Santorum is finding it difficult to gain traction following his second place finish.  With many current/former governors and US Senators running or considering a bid, Mr. Santorum will likely find it difficult to replicate his 2012 successes. 

Former New York Governor George Pataki also entered the Republican contest this week.  Being out of office for almost a decade did not stop the former Governor from throwing his hat into the ring.  Prior to serving as his state’s chief executive for three terms, Mr. Pataki had been a mayor and a member of both the New York State Assembly and Senate.  He enters a crowded Republican field with many more recognizable names and will likely find it difficult to gain traction.  While he toyed with running for president in 2008 and 2012, voters are less familiar with him now which is evident in a recent Quinnipiac poll where he received less than one percent.

The presidential contest also includes Dr. Ben Carson (R), former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton (D), US Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas), businesswoman Carly Fiorina (R), former Governor Mike Huckabee (R-Ark.), US Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), US Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), and US Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)

Considering a bid are former Governor Jeb Bush (R-Fla.), former Governor Lincoln Chafee (D-R.I.), Governor Chris Christie (R-N.J.), US Senator Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Governor Bobby Jindal (R-La.), Governor John Kasich (R-Ohio), former Governor Martin O’Malley (D-Md.) former Governor Rick Perry (R-Texas), Governor Scott Walker (R-Wis.), and former US Senator Jim Webb (D-Va.).

For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at or (202) 547-5013.