
AGC Offers Members an Opportunity to “Teleforum” with U.S. Senators

AGC of America has partnered with several business organizations to provide its members the exclusive opportunity to hear from U.S. Senators. During these live teleforums, AGC members can ask their Senator questions about the concerns and obstacles they face every day while trying to operate a business in the construction industry.

The next teleforum will by with Senator Kelly Ayotte (R-N.H.) on June 9th. Past teleforums have included Senators Ron Johnson (R-Wisc.) and Rob Portman (R-Ohio). When teleforums are scheduled, AGC members in the Senator's state will receive an email inviting them to participate. For those unable to participate on the live teleforum or who reside outside of the state, recordings of the teleforums are available for download on

For more information, please contact David Ashinoff at or (202) 547-5013.