
In-Depth Updates on New Regulations & Case Law at Upcoming Federal Contractors Conference

Over the last year, the federal government has issued a host of new regulations impacting your construction business. Do you know about those regulations? Is your company already in compliance with them or properly preparing? Want to learn from construction law experts? while space is still available!

In addition to hearing from the leading federal construction agency officials, attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the pending and new regulations that will greatly impact their business and marketplace. Construction law attorneys from  will update you on:

  • Proposed, pending and recently  finalized Federal Acquisition Regulation rules on past performance evaluations, contractor ethics and integrity, whistle-blower protections, SBA mentor-protégé program and human trafficking; 
  • Case law updates on bid protests from GAO, the Court of Federal Claims and SBA; and 
  • Case law updates on Contracts Disputes Act Claims and Appeals from the Armed Services Board of Contract Appeals (ASBCA), Civilian Board of Contract Appeals (CBCA), Alternative Dispute Resolution at ASBCA and CBCA, Court of Federal Claims and the U.S. Court of Appeals for Federal Circuit. 

For more information, please visit