
AGC Brings Message on 'Buy American' to U.S. Chamber and EPA

AGC's Utility Infrastructure Division Chair, Dragan Stojanovic of Norair Engineering Corp., participated on a panel hosted by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce on the affect of domestic sourcing laws on various parts of the industrial supply chain.

AGC was joined by manufacturer Xylem, Inc. (representing the Water and Wastewater Equipment Manufacturers Association), California Steel Industries, and the group North America Trading Together. Discussing the impact of these domestic sourcing requirements on contractors' prices and project scheduling, AGC joined the call for reform of these programs and harmonization of definitions of "made in the USA." Others on the panel described how "Buy America" has gone from a protection policy for American jobs from foreign competition to a way to lock some American companies out of certain markets in favor of other American companies. AGC also brought this message to EPA, in an effort to loosen the new definitions of "made in the USA" on EPA's SRF projects.

AGC continues to be an industry leader on this issue and will be bringing potential solutions to these issues to relevant agency and congressional representatives.

For more information, please contact Scott Berry at or (703) 837-5321.