
ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Provides Construction Industry Insight to Tax Reformers

On Wednesday, AGC submitted three formal comment letters to the , and the in response to the Senate Finance Committee’s  from stakeholders on how to revamp the tax code. Submissions from stakeholders will be reviewed by the working groups and ideas can be incorporated into the each working group’s final recommendations.  The five working group recommendations will be delivered to Chairman Hatch and Ranking Member Wyden, and will be considered in developing bipartisan tax reform legislation this summer.

The next phase for the committee includes a series of roundtable discussions through the remainder of April. Each of the five bipartisan working groups is currently working to produce findings on current tax policy and legislative recommendations within its area, with the goal of having recommendations from each of the five working groups completed by May 25. 

For more information, please contact Brian Lenihan at or (202) 547-4733.