
AGC Urges Support of Anti-Government-Mandated PLA Bill

AGC Opposes USACE-Mandated PLAs

AGC joined with a coalition of construction and business associations urging members of the Senate to cosponsor legislation prohibiting federal government-mandated project labor agreements (PLAs). The legislation, , introduced by Senator David Vitter (R-La.), falls in line with AGC’s position on PLAs: AGC neither supports nor opposes contractors’ voluntary use of PLAs on government projects, but strongly opposes any government mandate for contractors’ use of PLAs. AGC is committed to free and open competition for publicly funded work, and believes that the lawful labor relations policies and practices of private construction contractors should not be a factor in a government agency’s selection process. to write to your Senators urging their support of legislation opposing government mandated PLAs. AGC is working with members of the House to introduce the same bill in that chamber.  

AGC also sent two letters opposing the possible use of a project labor agreement mandate posted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. One letter opposed a possible PLA mandate for a  design-build contract on Edwards Air Force Base in California, while the other opposed consideration of a PLA for the New Orleans to Venice construction of the Hurricane Protection System in Louisiana.

For more information, please contact Jimmy Christianson at or (703) 837-5325.