
$100K Stormwater Fines Are Not a Myth; AGC Webinar Helps You Get Prepared for the Next Generation of Enforcement

December 15, 2014 l 2:00 - 3:30 p.m., EST Register now for on December 15, 2014, from 2:00pm-3:30pm.  Just weeks ago, a company settled alleged stormwater violations at a construction site by agreeing to pay a civil penalty of more than $110,000.  Protect your company from costly fines, negative press and a soiled reputation! Don’t miss this critical stormwater compliance information just for contractors.  You’ll hear it straight from the U.S EPA regulators who are writing new stormwater permits and new, groundbreaking rules.  This webinar will cover EPA’s newly released policy on when to set numeric limits in stormwater permits and how to implement TMDLs or pollutant load restrictions for sediment-impaired waters.  (Just released on the eve before Thanksgiving.) In addition, our expert panelists will provide “need-to-know” information on stormwater permitting and reporting requirements, the changing focus towards green infrastructure and runoff retention, helpful BMPs and online tools/technologies, as well as an introduction to green infrastructure strategies and opportunities.  The federal landscape continues to evolve – participate in AGC’s webinar to stay current.  to register now.

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  • Erika Farris, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Water
  • Carey Johnston, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Compliance
  • Bob Adair, Construction EcoServices
  • T. Luke Owen, NPDES Stormwater Training Institute
By participating in this webinar, attendees will learn to:
  • Plan for EPA action related to applicable stormwater programs. 
  • Know about recent EPA stormwater enforcement actions and the agency's enforcement priorities. 
  • Explain best management practices related to stormwater management; gain insider knowledge on what works in the field. 
  • List common low-impact development or green infrastructure strategies.
  • Recognize (and understand the purpose of) several online stormwater compliance and enforcement tools.