
AGC Webinar: Critical Stormwater Compliance Information: Find Out What's Headed to Your State

Registration is now open for an AGC Federal Stormwater Update webinar on Dec. 15, 2014, from 2:00pm-3:30pm. The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets construction site stormwater requirements for the entire country. Hear straight from agency staff what contractors need to do to stay in compliance and what you can expect down the road. Get the latest on the rules, tools, and technologies headed to your state. We will also discuss what industry experts are seeing “in-the-field” as well as the dos and don’ts to meeting stormwater permit requirements. to register now. Be Informed Don’t get washed away by stormwater initiatives originating at the federal level. U.S.EPA representatives will discuss key changes to stormwater permitting and electronic reporting requirements—including a proposed rule that would require the electronic sharing of key permit- and enforcement-related information with the public. The U.S.EPA also is looking to control stormwater flow from developed sites—through low impact development and green infrastructure strategies. State and municipal permits are already starting to include many of these requirements. Get Prepared Stormwater experts and practitioners will share lessons from recent enforcement actions and offer best practices—including online and mobile technologies—to help you meet the next generation of stormwater challenges. They will also introduce opportunities for construction firms willing to dive into green infrastructure work. You don’t want to miss this important update on new stormwater developments and what the future looks like for stormwater regulations and policies around the country. to register now. Learning Objectives By participating in this webinar, attendees will learn to:
  • Plan for EPA action related to applicable stormwater programs.
  • Know about recent EPA stormwater enforcement actions and the agency's enforcement priorities.
  • Explain best management practices related to stormwater management; gain insider knowledge on what works in the field.
  • List common low-impact development or green infrastructure strategies.
  • Recognize (and understand the purpose of) several online stormwater compliance and enforcement tools.
  • Bob Adair, President, Construction EcoServices
  • Erika Farris, Environmental Scientist, Water Permits Division, Office of Water, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • Carey Johnston, PE, Enforcement Targeting and Data Division, EPA Office of Compliance, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
  • T. Luke Owen, PG, President, NPDES Stormwater Training Institute