
AGC Releases Stormwater Inspection Reports for Contractors Mobile App

The Stormwater Inspection Reports for Contractors mobile app was developed by AGC to provide contractors an electronic documentation tool to quickly and easily prepare their stormwater inspection and corrective action reports right from their iPad®. - Available only for iPad.[[{"type":"media","view_mode":"media_large","fid":"4588","attributes":{"class":"media-image wp-image-20279 alignright","typeof":"foaf:Image","style":"","width":"180","height":"300","alt":""}}]] The mobile app features:
  • Simple user interface
  • Step-by-step jobsite documentation
  • Detailed instructions for each section
  • Date and time-stamped photo documentation
  • Electronic signature capture
  • Easily export PDF reports via email for archiving
Try it Free Today Your first 10 stormwater reports are FREE. Just from your iPad or visit the app store on iTunes and search “Stormwater” to download the free trial. Additional reports are just $.99 each. No Record = It Didn’t Happen! It is a legal requirement to have a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) on nearly every active construction project, including detailed records of site inspections and corrective actions. Companies that fail to adequately document and retain the results of their self-inspections and follow-up measures may face enforcement actions and devastating penalties of up to $37,500.00 per day, per violation. ҵ the App Based on the Inspection Report Template and Corrective Action Report Form developed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in conjunction with the Associated General Contractors of America, the customizable, digital reports can be used to help contractors meet the minimum reporting requirements of their construction stormwater permits. To check out some of AGC’s other environmental compliance tools, click here. For additional information, please contact AGC’s Leah Pilconis at