
Follow @AGCEnvironment for Compliance and Sustainability News Relevant to Construction Professionals

On May 14, AGC launched a new Twitter account -- -- as a resource for environmental compliance and sustainability news and information from a broad range of sources.  AGC’s Director of Green Construction will comb the Web and collect information of interest in one easy place for you to access.  Whenever possible, we highlight AGC members that are making the news or blogging about relevant topics. Tweets have included information on EPA’s use of green infrastructure as a requirement for municipalities, news about the proposed “Waters of the US” rule, brownfields information, porous pavement and other green infrastructure strategies, certification/rating system news, resilient infrastructure, green leasing and more.  In our first two weeks we have highlighted sixteen members and re-tweeted information from three others.  This is not a computer aggregated news source.  AGC’s Director of Green Construction cannot know everything, so please keep us in the loop so that we can highlight your environmental efforts!  If we have missed some relevant environmental news about your company, use the Twitter message function to let us know. Follow today!  And please let your colleagues and friends know about this new AGC resource. Tweets/re-tweets, follows and mentions do not imply endorsement.  This resource is made available strictly for informational purposes. For more information, contact AGC’s Melinda Tomaino at or (703) 837-5415 – or send us a message through Twitter.