
EPA Seeks Rebate Applications for Construction Equipment Retrofits

The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is still collecting applications for the 2013 Construction Equipment Funding Opportunity, a pilot rebate program to help public and private construction equipment owners repower or retrofit their older diesel powered off road construction engines. EPA currently has $2 million in available funding for the rebates. This program is made possible by the Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA), which to allow rebates, in addition to grants and revolving loans. You may be eligible for a monetary rebate from EPA to help cover the cost of installing DPFs (diesel particulate filters) or doing engine repowers. But you must submit your form by Jan. 29, 2014 (deadline just extended), to participate in the lottery-type drawing for rebates. Your chance of winning is very good  as only a few applications have been submitted thus far. AGC worked closely with EPA to improve the application process and reduce the paperwork required. The streamlined rebate program is more accessible and less burdensome than the previous grant-based approaches. Eligible applicants for this funding opportunity include private construction companies that operate off-road construction equipment under a contract or lease with a public entity. (Note: The eligibility requirement to have a direct contract with a public entity is a DERA statutory requirement that EPA is unable to alter.) Applicants must operate their equipment in areas of poor air quality (see ). Eligible applicants who meet the location requirement may apply to install DPFs on Tier 2 or Tier 3 engines, or they may apply to replace unregulated or Tier 1 engines with Tier 2 or Tier 3 engines. Applicants may submit one application that includes up to five engines. These five engines can be any combination of the technology options for a total maximum of $120,000 in rebate funding per applicant. Of the eligible applications, EPA will randomly select applications for funding using a random lottery system. For more detailed information about the program requirements, eligible applicants and engines, please visit: . Informational Webinar Next Week EPA will host another webinar on the Construction Equipment Rebate Program on Jan. 16, 2014, at 2:00 p.m. EST (webinar recently rescheduled). This webinar will cover eligibility and application information. The link to join the webinar is . The conference call line is 866-299-3188, code 7342144815#. If you have any questions, please contact Leah Pilconis, senior environmental advisor to AGC of America, at