
U.S. EPA Diesel Retrofit Grant Competition Now Open!

As AGC predicted and , the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) 2013 diesel retrofit grant competition is now open. To view the Request for Proposals (RFP), application, instructions and all supporting information go here - . Proposal packages are due by Tuesday, June 25, 2013, at 4:00 p.m. EDT. The total estimated Diesel Emission Reduction Act (DERA) funding for this competitive grant opportunity is approximately $9 million nationwide. Eligible equipment includes any diesel-powered vehicle or machine (e.g., construction equipment).  Funded activities include exhaust retrofits, engine upgrades or repowers, vehicle or equipment replacement, idle controls, aerodynamic and low rolling resistance tires, and cleaner fuels. Generally, only public entities and select nonprofits (e.g., AGC chapters) can apply; however, private fleets can access the funds by engaging into partnerships with eligible applicants.  EPA plans to award funding through this competition in the fall. The Request for Proposals (RFP) is posted and on . The RFP will be open for approximately 45 days, closing on Tuesday, June 25. This RFP has been updated from previous years, so EPA encourages applicants to carefully review the RFP for eligible projects, technologies, and funding restrictions. Remaining FY2013 Funds EPA also announced a $5.6 million funding opportunity for the . EPA allocates DERA funds to the states for the establishment of clean diesel grant and loan programs. Using the formula outlined in the , the State Clean Diesel Program receives 30 percent of the annual DERA allocation. Notwithstanding these funding announcements, EPA still should have several million in FY 13-appropriated funding in reserve. (, EPA currently has approximately $20 million available in grant funding to reduce emissions from diesel engines nationwide, including those used in exiting fleets of construction equipment.)  AGC expects EPA to put any remaining FY 13 funds towards its and has urged EPA to select construction equipment as its next “pilot” application. Under the rebate program structure, private entities would most likely be able to apply directly for any available funding via a more streamlined application process. More Information All questions on EPA’s national diesel retrofit grant competition and RFP should be submitted to  There will be general applicant TODAY (May 13) and Tuesday, May 14. to access the webinar PowerPoint slides.EPA’s National Clean Diesel Campaign contains information regarding clean diesel technologies, past awarded projects, and helpful tips. Please direct additional questions to AGC’s Senior Environmental Advisor Leah Pilconis at