
EPA Webinars on Air Rules for Stationary Reciprocating Internal Combustion Engines (RICE) and Proposed Rule Changes

Save the date and register for a free webinar this June that will provide an overview of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) rules for stationary reciprocating internal combustion engines (RICE), as well as an update on proposed revisions to those rules. RICE are used to produce electric power, pump water, and operate compressors on construction sites.  Owners and operators of RICE must meet new national emission standards and operating limits by the May 2013 compliance deadline.  Be aware that an “Initial Notification” requirement is currently in effect for certain engine horsepower ranges – . EPA will hold a series of webinars this June (see “EPA Webinars” below) to help owners/operators of regulated RICE meet new national requirements.  , by May 3, 2013, most non-emergency stationary engines must comply with EPA’s emission limits or they must be fitted with emissions controls, such as oxidation catalysts, to reduce carbon monoxide (CO) or formaldehyde emissions. Owners/operators must also meet engine operating limits, monitor emissions, log data and submit annual compliance reports to EPA.  Additionally, owners/operators were required to submit an "initial notification" to EPA in August 2010 for compression ignition (diesel) engines and February 2011 for spark ignition (gasoline and gas-fired) engines. For more information on the RICE rules, to read an AGC summary – and to read an AGC in-depth fact sheet.  More information is also on EPA’s website at . EPA Webinars EPA will host identical webinars on each of the dates below, from 1:00 PM to 3:30 PM Eastern Time. These webinar events are free but space is limited. Register early to retain your webinar seat. Follow one of these links to register online.
  • June 14: FULL/Oversubscribed
  • June 20:
  • June 25:
  • June 28:
Part 1: 1:00-2:00 PM Melanie King of the US EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, the RICE rule writer, will provide an overview of EPA's National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) and New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) for stationary RICE. She will cover the applicability of the rules, emission standards, and other compliance requirements. Part 2: 2:00-3:30 PM Melanie King will discuss changes to the RICE NESHAP and NSPS that EPA proposed on May 22 in response to petitions for reconsideration of the RICE NESHAP.  Roy Crystal of EPA Region 1 (New England), and Heather Valdez of EPA Region 10 (Pacific Northwest), will explore compliance issues rural areas and for key sectors. They will also present tools for compliance. The webinar will include questions and answers. Cost to Industry Opponents say that EPA has underestimated the costs of retrofitting or replacing RICE units in rural areas, noting that geographic isolation can make retrofit and maintenance costs more expensive.  EPA recently proposed changes to the RICE rules that would reduce the aggregate annual costs of compliance by $139 million to $490 million (in 2010 dollars), according to EPA. Proposed Changes to RICE Rules On May 22, 2012, EPA signed proposed amendments to the RICE rules.  The proposal would allow the operation of stationary emergency RICE for up to 100 hours per year without meeting emission limits for two purposes: as part of an emergency demand response program or to respond to voltage changes. The 100 hours also could be used for maintenance and testing of the engines. The proposal lists the two circumstances under which EPA would allow stationary emergency engines to operate for emergency demand response purposes. EPA also proposed a temporary limited allowance that will expire on April 16, 2017, for stationary emergency RICE units located at area sources of emissions of hazardous air pollutants. The temporary allowance could be used for up to 50 hours per year for any non-emergency purpose, including peak-shaving. See .  EPA also published a For additional information on the Spark Ignition New Source Performance Standards, go to . For additional information on the Compression Ignition New Source Performance Standards, go to . To find out more, contact Leah Pilconis at or your EPA Regional RICE Contact.