
Construction Employment Remains Nearly Flat in April but Rises 1.1 Percent From a Year Ago; Construction Unemployment Rate Falls to a Four-Year Low

The construction industry lost 2,000 jobs in April, following similar declines of 3,000 in March and 1,000 in February, but still added 63,000 jobs over the past year as the industry unemployment rate shrank to 14.5 percent—the lowest April level in four years, according to an analysis of new federal employment data released today by the Associated General Contractors of America. Association officials said that lack of long-term federal highway and transit funding, along with other infrastructure budget cuts, threatens to limit construction job growth. “The plunge in the unemployment rate for former construction workers from 17.8 percent in April 2011 and 21.8 percent two years ago is good news for them,” said Ken Simonson, the association’s chief economist. “Unfortunately, few of them have found jobs in construction, which actually employed 1,000 fewer workers than it did in April 2010.” Click to read the full press release.  The news was covered by , , , and .