
Construction Employment Below Peak Levels in 329 Out of 337 Metro Areas While Vital Federal Infrastructure Measures Languish

Construction employment remains below peak levels in 329 out of 337 metro areas, according to a new analysis released today by AGC. Given the continued weakness in construction employment, AGC urged Congress to pass years-late infrastructure measures, including legislation to fund highway, transit and aviation construction work. “What makes these job losses even more frustrating is the fact that many of them could have been avoided,” said AGC’s chief executive officer, Stephen E. Sandherr. “Thousands more construction workers would be employed today if Congress wasn’t years late in passing measures like the highway and transit bill.” Sandherr said that AGC is working with groups such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce to push for passage of a new, fully-funded surface transportation bill as part of an effort called Make Transportation Job #1. To read the full press release, . View the new construction employment figures by or by .