
Construction Labor Law Developments Covered at AGC's Annual Symposium

The AGC Labor and Employment Law Council held its 27th Annual Construction Labor Law Symposium on April 15 in Washington, DC.  Attorneys and chapter labor relations managers from across the country attended to learn about the latest developments in construction labor and employment law. Council members and guest speakers provided presentations on a variety of timely topics, including:
  • Understanding Pre-Hire Agreements, Union Security Clauses, and Hiring Hall Arrangements in the Construction Industry
  • National Labor Relations Act Rights of Nonunion Employees
  • Multiemployer Pension Issues:  Calculating Withdrawal Liability & Update on FASB Initiatives
  • Independent Contractors and Employee Misclassification in Construction
  • Overtime Exemptions in the Construction Industry:  Rock Solid or Shifting Sands?
  • Davis-Bacon Act Misclassification and Compliance
  • Primer on §§8(b)(4) and Bannering:  A Legal Analysis & Practical Responses
  • Update on Project Labor Agreements on Federal & Federally Assisted Projects
Handouts from most of the presentations are posted in the of AGC's website, integrated into their respective topic areas.  Access is free and exclusive to AGC members and Chapter staff. Symposium guest speakers included Acting General Counsel Lafe Solomon and member Mark Pearce of the National Labor Relations Board, who spoke about issues before the Board that impact construction employers.  Brett Loper, former AGC staff associate who now serves as policy director to Speaker of the House John Boehner, delivered the Charles E. Murphy Keynote Address, providing insight into various matters and challenges currently facing Congress. The AGC Labor and Employment Law Council is a special network of labor lawyers who represent AGC members and Chapters.  The Council provides its annual symposium and other activities to facilitate the sharing of information and the best possible representation of AGC affiliates.  To ensure that your in-house and outside labor and employment lawyers stay on the cutting edge, be sure that they are members of the Council. For information about Council membership, click or contact Denise Gold at or (703) 837-5326.