
Support the Rotta Family’s Home Renovation

Last year, AGC started a new tradition of hosting an ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Charities Operation Opening Doors project immediately before the start of the convention. We’re continuing that tradition this year, and will be making significant improvements to the home of one very special family in Las Vegas. to watch a video about the Rotta family and AGC's plans to renovate their home. This year we will be assisting the Rotta family. The Rotta’s – who have adopted five children with unique medical needs – 16 year-old daughter Ashlyn is suffering from Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome, an extremely rare form of childhood-onset epilepsy. As their daughter’s condition worsens, Ashlyn is becoming increasingly wheelchair bound, making it difficult for the family to move her around their split-level house. to learn a little more about the Rotta family and this year’s Operation Opening Doors project. AGC member Jaynes Corportation’s Steve Brooke and Gary Congdon of Lee & Sakahara Architects are very generously donating their time to help oversee the project and are currently drafting plans to install new wheelchair accessible ramps and bathroom fixtures. to view a list of the materials and supplies needed to complete this project. Please consider sponsoring the cost of one or more of the items on this list so AGC volunteers can make life easier for Ashlyn and her family. Your generous donation, however small or big, will go a long way in giving Ashlyn and her family the freedom and dignity to live in comfort and safety. For every $50 you generously contribute to this project we will send you a complimentary ticket to the ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ Charities’ Tour and Reception at the International Training Center of the United Brotherhood of Carpenters. This event, which is taking place from 4 to 7 p.m. on Thursday, March 24, will feature NFL Pro-Bowl Quarterback and Monday Night Football announcer Ron Jaworski and include a tour of the training facility followed by an intimate reception. The home renovation itself will take place Saturday, March 19, 2011, and Sunday, March 20, 2011, the two days before the start of AGC’s 92nd Annual Convention in Las Vegas. If your travel schedule allows, please also consider flying out early and spending the weekend helping us transform the Rotta’s house, and hopefully improve their quality of life. Discounted room rates are available during the weekend for anyone participating in this year’s Operation Opening Doors. For more information or to make a donation, contact Nahee Rosso at (703) 837-5348 or