
Freshman to Head Water Subcommittee in House

The House Committee on Transportation and Infrastructure chairman John Mica (R-Fla.) announced the chairmen for each of the subcommittees under him for the 112th Congress. Last Congress’s GOP Ranking Member, John Boozman (R-Ark.) would have moved over to the chairmanship, but was instead elected to the Senate. Heading up the Subcommittee on Water Resources and Environment, which has jurisdiction over the Clean Water State Revolving Fund among other things, is freshman Representative . During previous terms as a state lawmaker, Gibbs served as chairman of the agriculture committees in both the Ohio House and the Ohio Senate. Rep. Gibbs outlines his agenda for the 112th Congress on . He wants to lead the subcommittee in drafting legislation providing cost-effective water infrastructure improvements that provide jobs and an economic return on investments. He is also expected to use the chairmanship to ensure that environmental regulations are reasonable and achievable, that federal policies set realistic water quality goals and provide help to states and local governments in their efforts to meet them, and that job creation is not stifled by excessive regulation. For more information, contact Scott Berry at (703) 837-5321 or