
House Passes Year-Long Continuing Resolution, Awaits Senate Action

Surface Transportation and Aviation Authorization Extensions Included in CR On Wednesday, the House passed (212-206) a nearly $1.1 trillion continuing resolution (CR) for the remainder of fiscal year 2011.  Almost all of the appropriations would be extended at the funding level and under the conditions they were for fiscal year 2010. On Wednesday, the House passed (212-206) a nearly $1.1 trillion continuing resolution (CR) for the remainder of fiscal year 2011.  Almost all of the appropriations would be extended at the funding level and under the conditions they were for fiscal year 2010.  The legislation now heads over to the Senate, where it is expected Democrats will attempt to replace the CR with an omnibus bill that would include all 12 appropriations bills, as well as earmarks, which the House-passed CR does not include.  At this point it is unclear if Senate Democrats have the 60 votes necessary to overcome a likely Republican filibuster and replace the CR with an earmark-laden omnibus. The House CR extends all Highway Trust Fund programs through the end of FY 2011 at FY 2010 levels.  Specifically, the CR would provide a total of $52.38 billion for highways and transit through FY 2011.  AGC has learned that the Senate is in agreement on the length of the House-passed extension and it is likely that Congress’ end- of-session spending package will include a long-term extension of the surface transportation authorization. AGC and other transportation stakeholders have been for a long-term extension to provide the transportation construction industry a degree of certainty for the 2011 construction season. The CR also includes the 17th extension of the long overdue FAA authorization bill. This most current extension would fund federal aviation programs through FY 2011. For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or