
House Passes Two Week Continuing Resolution

Surface Transportation Authorization Extension Remains Unresolved, FAA Reauthorization Poised For Yet Another Extension On December 1, the U.S. House of Representatives passed a new continuing resolution that would maintain federal funding at FY 2010 levels through December 18.  The , which also funds the government at FY10 levels, expires on December 3. The latest continuing resolution would give Congress more time to decide whether it will pass a FY 2011 omnibus spending bill (13 separate bills rolled into one bill) before adjourning, or move ahead with another continuing resolution that would fund the government at FY 2010 levels into or through the next year.  Senate Democrats are drafting a $1.1 trillion FY 2011 omnibus bill, while House Democrats are leaning towards a Continuing Resolution until the end of FY 2011.  The current extension of federal surface transportation programs expires on December 31 and both the House and Senate appear to support an extension of current programs at current funding levels.  However, there is not agreement on the length of the extension.  Senate Republicans and Democrats want a nine month extension, which would fund programs through FY 2011, while House Republicans prefer a five to six month extension.  House Democrats have shown no indication as to the extension length they would prefer.  It is likely that this extension will be voted on prior to the expiration of the Continuing Resolution on December 18.   The AGC co-chaired Transportation Construction Coalition sent a letter to Congress in support of an extension of no less than six months. Even though practically all of the outstanding issues have been agreed upon by House and Senate negotiators, it is unlikely that the FAA Reauthorization bill will be finalized before the current extension expires on December 31.  In anticipation of that, the House is scheduled to vote this week on yet another extension with the Senate to follow. For more information, contact Sean O’Neill at (202) 547-8892 or