
Deficit Commission Proposal Provides Needed Investments in Aging Roads, Bridges and Transit Systems

The Deficit Commission's decision to recommend a 15 cent increase to the federal gas tax will protect taxpayers and help cut the deficit, while providing a needed boost for U.S. businesses, shippers and consumers. AGC's chief executive officer, Stephen E. Sandherr, released a statement in response to the Deficit Commission’s decision to recommend a 15 cent increase to the federal gas tax as part of its plan to address the country’s growing fiscal imbalance. “The Deficit Commission proposal wisely appreciate that the best way to reduce the deficit and simultaneously support a strong and expanding economy is to invest in our aging network of highways, bridges and transit systems," Sandherr said.   "Even as the broader report calls for dramatic reductions in federal spending, the commission report makes clear that our country can’t afford to neglect the infrastructure that has driven fifty years of economic growth and prosperity." Read the full statement . The news was covered by the and