
Congress Begins Lame Duck Session

Next week begins Congress' lame duck session - the last chance for Democrats to push climate change, card check and immigration. The week will include leadership elections in the House and Senate, and Congress will reassemble after Thanksgiving to finish the session. Legislation likely to be considered will be the Paycheck Fairness Act (which makes it easier to sue employers for discrimination based on pay disparities); Omnibus Appropriations bill(s) for fiscal 2011; extension of federal unemployment benefits; suspending cuts to Medicare reimbursement rates for physician services; extending the Bush tax cuts all or in part; extending the aviation and surface transportation programs; and potentially a vote on the debt commission recommendations (report to Congress is due Dec. 1).  contains information on the impact of the election on the industry, as well as materials to help you navigate the changing political environment. The Web page also contains an audio recording of Tuesday's conference call hosted by AGC's chief executive officer, Steve Sandherr. For more information, contact Jim Young at (202) 547-0133 or