
Administration Announces New High Speed Rail Funding

The Federal Railroad Administration today announced the award of $2.482 billion in grants. Fifty-four projects in 23 states and several multi-state regions are included in the grant awards. These awards are in addition to the $8 billion in grants for projects approved earlier this year through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA). Projects in 31 states and the District of Columbia were funded under ARRA awards. According to AASHTO, many states are already moving ahead in implementing the ARRA funded projects. In Florida, for example, contractors are testing soils and surveying property along I-4, in anticipation of the Tampa-to-Orlando high-speed rail line expected by 2015. Illinois is upgrading 39 miles of Union Pacific railroad track for high-speed service between Alton and Lincoln. Maine is replacing 30 miles of track between Portland and Brunswick in anticipation of a Boston-to-Brunswick line with new stations in Freeport and New Brunswick.