
Construction Stormwater Survey Requires Reply Within 60 Days to Avoid Steep Fines

AGC has received reports that its members have received a letter from the U.S. EPA directing them to complete a mandatory survey on construction stormwater management practices within 60 days - or face significant fines and penalties of up to $37,500 per day per violation.  While EPA claims to have not directed this survey to general contractors, several have received it. If you have received a survey, it is imperative that it be completed and returned before the 60-day deadline to avoid steep penalties. However, most contractors need not continue beyond A5, or the first page of the survey. Unless a contractor has an ownership interest in the properties it builds on, it is unnecessary to complete the detailed financial and technical portions of the survey. For details, visit the  page and scroll down to owner/developer questionnaires (see the definitions chart).  EPA has initiated a national rulemaking to reduce stormwater discharges from new development and redevelopment and to strengthen its stormwater program (a.k.a., "post-construction" stormwater rule).  To collect information from entities believed to be owners/developers of residential, non-residential, industrial and commercial sites, EPA mailed out letters () last week to approximately 3,000 companies directing them to complete a lengthy, mandatory questionnaire within 60 days.  For more information on AGC's efforts and the new "post-construction" stormwater runoff rule that EPA is working on, click here. For more information, contact Leah Pilconis at (703) 837-5332 or