
Vote to Repeal New 1099 Reporting Requirements Fails

On September 14, the Senate rejected the Johanns Amendment to the Small Business Credit and Jobs Act that would have repealed the new Form 1099 reporting requirement enacted in the healthcare bill earlier this year. The vote on the procedural motion was 46 to 52.

AGC urged Senators to support the Johanns Amendment and may include how Senators voted in AGC's Legislative Scorecard. To see a copy of AGC's Key Vote letter, . To see how your Senator voted, The Senate also rejected the Bill Nelson Amendment that offered an alternative to the Johanns Amendment by a vote of 56 to 42. The Nelson Amendment would have exempted small businesses under 25 employees from the 1099 reporting requirement and would have increased the reporting threshold from $600 to $5,000 a year. AGC and the business community urged Senators to oppose the Nelson Amendment as it would not have provided full relief from the reporting requirement and was overly complex. Although there are few legislative days left before the end of the year, Congress may try and pass repeal again. AGC will continue to monitor the debate and will post calls to action . Finally, thank you to all the AGC members who heeded the call and contacted their Members of Congress.