
Another Election Surprise in Alaska

Following the weeklong process of counting the absentee ballots for Alaska's primary, Fairbanks Attorney General, Joe Miller (R), was pronounced the official winner of the Alaska Republican senatorial primary by a mere 1,469 votes.  The Alaska Secretary of State announced on August 31, just seven days following the primary election, that Miller, the "Tea Party" candidate who was endorsed by former vice presidential candidate and former Governor of Alaska Sarah Palin, had defeated sitting senior Senator Lisa Murkowski (R).  Murkowski was first appointed to the Senate seat in 2002 by her father, Frank Murkowski, who vacated the Senate seat after he was elected Governor. Louisiana held its primary on August 28 and announced current Senator David Vitter (R) would remain the party's nominee on the ticket.  Vitter beat out two opponents - Nick Accardo and Chet Traylor - with an overwhelming 88 percent of the vote. West Virginia held a special Senate primary election on Saturday, August 28, to decide on two party nominees to fill the seat of late Sen. Robert Byrd (D).  Republicans chose businessman John Raese, who will face current West Virginia Democrat Governor Joe Manchin in November. September 14, the second "Super Tuesday" primary date is right around the corner.  Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Hampshire, New York, Rhode Island, Vermont and Wisconsin will all vote.  Please deliver ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ PAC checks for any candidates in these states before the primary date.  For any other state, please deliver ÃÛÌÒµ¼º½ PAC checks before September 30, the FEC filing deadline for campaigns. The final state primary prior to November's general election will be held September 18, in Hawaii.