
Training on Trial: Will the Verdict Be in Your Favor?

By Wendy Kayser Kirkpatrick There is no question that training is “on trial,” being charged with incurring costs that exceed the value it brings to the business.  Business leaders are carefully examining training costs and questioning the expenditures.  Unfortunately there is quite a bit of evidence for the prosecution that shows that training alone only delivers about 15 percent effectiveness on the job.  The result is that training professionals are being found guilty around the world. Sadly, even when training programs do bring significant value to the business as part of an integrated action plan, training professionals are often unsure of how to demonstrate the value in terms the business recognizes.  Attend the Training on Trial workshop on October 18 at the AGC Training and Development Conference in Scottsdale, Arizona, to learn practical ways to create and demonstrate training value in your organization.  Wendy Kirkpatrick, co-author of the book Training on Trial, will facilitate this eye-opening and interactive program. During the session, you will hear the statistics that threaten the training industry.  The workshop will then quickly direct participants to a positive, solution-oriented perspective.  Participants will learn the critical difference between effective training and training effectiveness.  Using the Kirkpatrick Four Levels as a framework they will discover the measurements that mean the most to their corporate jury. This workshop will include group activities that allow participants to apply the principles and obtain a complete understanding of the concepts.  Participants will walk away with a list of specific actions they can take to increase the business value of their training programs.  Don’t miss this opportunity to obtain simple and practical ideas to strengthen the value of training in your organization and make a true business contribution. For complete information about this and other sessions, as well as the schedule, hotel information, and registration form, visit the . Wendy Kirkpatrick is the director of Kirkpatrick Partners, the One and Only KirkpatrickTM Company.  She is the co-author of Training on Trial (AMACOM 2010) and Kirkpatrick Then and Now (Kirkpatrick Publishing 2009).  Wendy is the co-developer of the Kirkpatrick certification programs and is a certified instructional designer.  She draws on two decades of business and training experience to make her teaching relevant and impactful.